Failure of TRIGR Study Opens Door to Alternative Explanation | 31561

Revista de Diabetes y Metabolismo

ISSN - 2155-6156


Failure of TRIGR Study Opens Door to Alternative Explanation of T1DM Etiopathology

Coad Thomas Dow

The first 2018 JAMA issue reported results of the TRIGR study. The Trial to Reduce Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the Genetically at Risk (TRIGR) study was a 78 center, 15 country study initiated to see if weaning to a hydrolyzed infant formula decreased type 1 diabetes in at-risk children. Rationale prompting the study is that children exclusively breastfed for their initial six months had less chance of developing diabetes than children given cows’ milk-based formula. The concept was that cows’ milk protein is too complex and that early exposure to it will provoke an autoimmune response in at-risk infants. Both study arms used cows’ milk-based formula; one arm had traditionally prepared formula while the other had extensively hydrolyzed formula. The results: “Weaning to a hydrolyzed formula did not reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes in children with an increased disease risk.”